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MetaKids Nutrition Powder provides important foundation nutrition for children 4-12 years old. This comprehensive formula features breakthrough prebiotic human milk oligosaccharides‡ (PreBiome 2’-FL™)—structurally much like that found in mother’s milk—along with a blend of essential nutrients such as choline, plant sourced DHA, and a proprietary vitamin and mineral blend to help support a healthy diet. With 8 grams of high-quality plantbased rice protein and added amino acids, MetaKids Nutrition Powder has a perfect children’s Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) of 1.0— providing a complete and balanced source of protein to support children’s growth.*
MetaKids 營養粉為 4-12 歲的兒童提供重要的基礎營養。 這種全面的配方含有突破性的益生元母乳低聚醣‡ (PreBiome 2'-FL™)——在結構上與母乳中的低聚醣非常相似——以及必需營養素的混合物,例如膽鹼、植物來源的 DHA 以及專有的維生素和礦物質混合物 幫助支持健康飲食。 MetaKids Nutrition Powder 含有 8 克優質植物性大米蛋白和添加的氨基酸,兒童蛋白質消化率校正氨基酸評分 (PDCAAS) 為 1.0,為完美的兒童提供了完美均衡的蛋白質來源。*
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